LGBT+ members

UNISON fights discrimination and prejudice in the workplace on behalf of its lesbian, gay, bisexual, ace (asexual), aro (little or no romantic desire or attraction) and transgender LGBT+ members. Our Branch campaigns and provides support for our members.

Ace and aro people face a lack of understanding, intrusive questions and assumptions or discrimination and exclusion within the workplace, which can take a toll on their mental health. Trans people face discrimination in many areas in life including workplaces.

Our branch is committed to ensure that ace, aro and trans people feel included at work, without facing discrimination based on their identity. We work to ensure that people are better educated about the struggles people face, and support all our LGBT+ members when they face discrimination at work.

Our branch supports Pride events in West Sussex, and continues to support LGBT+ people in workplaces across the county, through our branch LGBT+ officer.

If you are passionate about LGBT+ issues, or feel that you have been affected by an issue, please get in contact with us.

Hu Evans, West Sussex LGBT+ Officer