As a branch, we would like to hear your views about the UNISON West Sussex Annual General Meeting (AGM). Take part in the survey here.
UNISON West Sussex holds its branch Annual General Meeting using the same model each year. The branch holds AGMs through lunchtime meetings across 3 County Council hub offices (Chichester; Worthing; Horsham), inviting a guest speaker and putting on a free buffet lunch.
After the last branch development day, the Branch Committee decided that it should look into different ways of holding the AGM, while still providing the democratic and essential business element that is required by the rules of the union.
We want to here your views about the future of the UNISON West Sussex AGM, and what you feel about the current AGM model. Take part in the survey here.
This year we had a guest speaker, Peter Scott-Presland discussing his book and the history of the campaign for gay equality in Britain, a buffet lunch, branch reports and a question and answer session. Each AGM was well attended, putting the branch over it’s quoracy targets, but we want to put on a better experience for our members, and that’s why we are asking you to take part in the survey here.
Please let us know your views!