New edition of Branch Lines now available

The Autumn 2017 edition of Branch Lines is now available for you to download:

Branch Lines – Autumn 2017

Printed copies have already been distributed around County Council offices, schools, academies, further education colleges and other employers. If you haven’t seen printed copies, please let us know (01243 777636 or

This edition brings you up to date with some of the major, local issues affecting members. Articles include:

  • WSCC’s Voluntary Severance window
  • Consultation at WSCC
  • Highways outsourcing?
  • MASH insourcing
  • Tribunal fees victory
  • Schools’ special
  • Higher and Further Education pay
  • New LGBT Coordinator

There are many other issues also included.

Please ask non-members to join us and get involved as a workplace rep to support your branch.

Download Branch Lines – Autumn 2017 edition