Following our news item posted on 23rd April, we’re pleased to report that negotiations between West Sussex County Council and UNISON have resulted in a positive outcome for staff based at County Hall North, Horsham. The council asked for 75 volunteers to move their daily parking arrangements to Piries Place: a five-minute walk from County Hall North. As far as possible, volunteers had to be office-based and full-time to maximise the use of spaces at Piries Place. These spaces replace the 50 allocated to Horsham District Council at County Hall North, but also provide a further 25 spaces.
Office based, full-time staff using Piries Place also release more spaces for peripatetic staff at County Hall North, who have to visit the office frequently throughout the day to do their job and cannot often find a space, potentially leading to service delays.
We are pleased to report that several staff and UNISON members have come forward to volunteer to use Piries Place and will be emailed by WSCC Chief Operating Officer Gill Steward to confirm arrangements.
There are however, a few spaces available. If you work full-time at County Hall North and are office based and would like to be considered for a space, please email
The new scheme will start on 1 June.
Child Protection Adviser and UNISON workplace rep Paul Windsor led the discussions for the union side. He said: “The union has worked hard to achieve a better position than we have at present, though we realise there will be ongoing pressure on parking. We will continue to monitor the situation after 1 June.”
If any members have any concerns about the new arrangements, please email in the first instance