To UNISON members working in CYPL
If on Tuesday 16th March you received an email titled ‘Covid-19 adjustment to working practices’ sent on behalf of Dan Ruaux, Jenny Boyd and Linda Steele, UNISON has the following reminder.
UNISON wishes to remind its members that they should still take their own health and safety extremely seriously. If you are in the following categories this is particularly true at the current time:
- Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV)
- Clinically Vulnerable (CV)
- Lives with someone who is Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (LCEV)
- Lives with someone who is Clinically Vulnerable (CV)
Following the email issued by CYPL managers calling for a return to normalised home visiting from 29th March, UNISON particularly reminds members in the above 4 categories they should seek an updated personal COVID-19 Risk Assessment prior to complying with this directive.
If as a result of your updated Risk Assessment you are not satisfied that your Health and Safety can be sufficiently protected or risks mitigated, please get in touch with your UNISON Rep or the branch office so we may advise you further.
UNISON reminds members that corporate advice on COVID-19 available on the WSCC Intranet is still applicable to members working within CYPL.