Last year nearly 5,000 members took part in UNISON’s Equality Survey – one of the biggest responses to any survey ever run by UNISON.
The results were used to brief service groups and self-organised groups on key equality issues for their bargaining and organising agendas.
This year, UNISON would like to hear from you again and are hoping to receive feedback from at least 6000 members! It takes 5-10 minutes to complete and can be done anonymously. Members who wish to give their email address when taking part, will be entered for a prize draw to win 3 nights at Croyde Bay.
To take part in the 2017 Equality Survey, please click here.
The survey closes on Monday 7 August.
To find out more about getting involved with equality issues in your workplace, contact the relevant UNISON West Sussex branch officer or the branch office.