Our rep Karen Fisher reports of an ‘inauspicious beginning’ at Northbrook College, Worthing:
“The Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (‘The Met’ – formerly Northbrook and Brighton City Colleges) was launched on 31 March, with seemingly all focus on Brighton. To be fair, it’s early days. However, one of the first things senior managers did was to award themselves a pay increase of between 1.7% and 14%. When asked about a pay-rise for the rest of the staff we were told ‘hopefully by 2020 if financially viable!’
“I raised the issue at our regular joint consultative committee (JCC) and successfully answered queries from the finance director regarding pay figures we had provided. With members of the college union UCU, I’m now meeting with the chief executive to put our case forward. We want to see the pay-rise plan for everyone else.
“I’ve also leafleted most Northbrook staff which has successfully helped recruit several new members. I’ve never known such a positive response from the local workforce, but all indications are for difficult times ahead.”
Northbrook isn’t the only local college where major change is taking place.
The merger of Chichester and Central Sussex Colleges will go ahead for the new academic year. The principal designate is agreed to be Shelagh Legrave from Chichester College (CC). The branch will be pleased to work with Shelagh as the relationship with CC has always been very good. UNISON will work to support members and defend your interests. Recruitment events are planned to boost UNISON’s membership, so please look out for those.
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