UNISON West Sussex recognises the important role Food Banks now play in our society for many people, including those in in-work poverty. The branch has previously donated to West Sussex Food Banks.
We are circulating a message on behalf of the Arun & Chichester Food Partnership which invites members to complete an online survey about local food and food poverty. Members are encouraged to complete the survey if they wish.
Would you like to have your say about food locally?
The Arun & Chichester Food Partnership is a collection of voluntary and community sector organisations and local authorities. Its aims include:
- To improve the physical and mental health of our community through access to good food.
- To address food poverty and other issues with food locally
- To create and deliver on a Food Strategy & Action Plan for Arun & Chichester, focusing on social, environmental and economic sustainability.
The Arun & Chichester Food Partnership is currently finding out what people value and want in their community. Your feedback will help us support and improve local services.
If you wish to participate, please complete the survey at shorturl.at/ptLOT