Officers from UNISON West Sussex will be visiting WSCC hub offices around the county to help raise awareness of the union’s General Secretary election taking place during November and December. The General Secretary is the union’s principal officer and spokesperson.
It’s vital that branch members take part in the election and cast their vote as soon as they receive ballot papers. These are scheduled to be posted to you as soon after 9 November as possible, with a deadline of 4 December 2015 to respond. Results will be issued on 17 December 2015.
Branch roadshows will take place from 10am to 3pm in canteen areas in the following venues:
- Monday 9 November: Durban House, Bognor Regis
- Tuesday 10 November: Centenary House, Durrington
- Wednesday 11 November, County Hall North (Parkside), Horsham
- Thursday 12 November, County Hall, Chichester
Come and find out more about the election and why it’s so important for members to vote.
The branch has nominated John Burgess as its preferred candidate. Find out why here.
Please make sure you use your vote.