Paul Windsor is a Child Protection Advisor in the council’s Children’s Safeguarding Unit who supports the UNISON West Sussex branch in his role as LGBT Equality Officer.
Paul has also recently taken over as the chair of the WSCC LGBT Staff Group and is keen to see that group expanded and to get it meeting once again.
Paul said, “I was surprised to see so few people on the council’s email group list for LGBT staff, and some of these were personal email addresses of people who no longer work for the council. We can do better than that and it is really important at this time of change within the council that LGBT staff are represented in a meaningful way. I want to start by getting LGBT members together.”

Paul Windsor, LGBT Equality Officer
“A great opportunity comes up later in the year at the UNISON LGBT members’ conference. It is a national conference with hundreds of UNISON LGBT delegates arriving in Brighton from across the UK to discuss LGBT issues. These debates aren’t confined to LGBT workplace issues either, though they will be discussed of course.”
“The conference takes place from 1.30pm Friday 17 November to 1.30pm Sunday 19 November 2017, at the Brighton Centre. The branch is entitled to 10 delegates and I would really like to fill those spaces so I am not attending on my own! The branch pays all travel and subsistence expenses. Though accommodation costs would only be considered in exceptional circumstances as the conference is so local to us in West Sussex this year. If you can only attend 1 or 2 days, that is ok.”
To join Paul at LGBT Conference this year please email Paul at paul.windsor@westsussex.gov.uk with a few lines about yourself and your job role and your interest in the conference. This is open to any West Sussex branch member, regardless of who your employer is. WSCC members who want to find out more about the WSCC LGBT Staff Group can also email Paul.