Join union members from across the UK for a rally and lobby of MPs against the undemocratic Trade Union Bill.
UNISON thinks MPs should be focusing on the real problems this country faces, not undermining people’s right to be supported at work. That’s why thousands of people are going to parliament to talk to their MPs on 2 November.
The Trade Union Bill poses an existential threat to trade unions. Its measures range from the punitive (capping facility time, the time your reps need to support you), to the repressive (restricting strike action to a near impossibility) to the downright bizarre (your social media posts will need to be reported to the police). The Bill will even outlaw the ability to pay your union subscriptions through payroll ‘check off’ – a brazen attempt to cripple trade unions financially.
This is why David Davis MP, a Conservative, said that measures in the Bill resembled more Franco’s Spanish dictatorship than 21st Century Britain.
The Bill can be beaten! If you want to attend the lobby, please contact the branch office first. We can give you details of the day’s events, how to register your attendance and advice on travel arrangements. Branch members with Conservative MPs are particularly encouraged to attend. You can travel up to Victoria by train with fellow Branch members and Reps – and the Branch will reimburse standard rail fares.
Here’s a brief overview of the day:
- 12:30 – arrive at Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London, SW1H 9NH.
- 1:00-3.30 – rally, including contributions from some exciting speakers.
- 2:00 – lobbying starts
Throughout the afternoon groups will go over to the House of Commons to meet with their MPs to explain why they should vote against the Bill. It is always best to try to write to your MP in advance or call 020 7219 3000 to say you are coming and ask for an appointment.
UNISON is creating a detailed guide on how to lobby your MP which will be available from the branch. UNISON West Sussex reps will be at the rally to offer guidance.
Let us know if you will be going, so we can arrange to travel in groups, departing from Bognor, Chichester, Crawley, Horsham, Worthing and Shoreham rail station, and reimburse your fare.
Remember there are many ways to lobby your local MP, including attending their local surgery. More detailed information is available on the national UNISON website.