Mervyn Sams, UNISON West Sussex Learning Rep, has organised a series of ‘lunch and learn’ courses taking place during September and October.
- Develop skills for life.
- Include on your PDR as evidence of training.
- Agreed with Capita and WSCC as paid time off (in agreement with your line manager).
- Includes buffet lunch and giveaways.
For further information contact Mervyn on 0330 22 27965 or see the WSCC Learning and Development Gateway website.
These courses are open to all Capita and WSCC UNISON members and non-members. Places are limited. To book please complete the booking form on the WSCC Learning and Development Gateway or contact
All courses take place at the Assembly Rooms, North Street, Chichester.
1. Identifying and Developing your skills
Mon 14 Sept 1-2pm
Help identify and develop your existing, transferable and potential skills for personal or professional development.
2. Increasing your confidence
Tues 22 Sept 1-2pm
We aim to show you simple and quick tools and methods that you can use to boost your confidence, how to practice and use them and celebrate your skills and abilities.
3. Managing your money
Mon 28 Sept 1-2pm
Good money management can mean many things – from living within your means to start saving for short and long-term goals, to having a realistic plan to pay off your debts. The interactive workshop covers ways to get on top of your finances.
4. Staying strong, stress management
Tues 6 Oct 1-2pm
Explore what stress is and how it can affect people. Looks at the importance of identifying the source of stress, how to counter it, in and outside the workplace and gives examples of how you can physically de-stress.