We’re delighted to report that UNISON workplace rep Marilyn Cox was awarded the south-east region ‘rep of the year’ award at the UNISON regional council meeting in Crawley.
The award was presented by shadow education secretary and Labour MP Angela Rayner. Marilyn said she had been quite overwhelmed and flattered by the award, especially as she had been nominated by UNISON members at her workplace, Field Place Infants School in Worthing.
She said, “For many teaching assistants (TAs) across the county it’s been quite a tough year going through major restructures and all the stress that brings, but I think we’re now in a better position at Field Place.
“I’m passionate about supporting my colleagues to try to get the best deal both for them and for the children and teaching staff we work with. We want to help make our school the best it can be.”
Branch secretary Dan Sartin said, “Marilyn was nominated by her members for going above and beyond the call of duty. Even though she became quite ill during the restructure, she still counselled and fully supported her TA colleagues. It was this fact that especially impressed them and led to their nomination.”
“Meeting Angela Rayner was a real pleasure,” said Marilyn. “I had the chance to chat to her after the event. She told me she completely understood the value of TAs in schools and promised she would not forget us when she becomes education secretary.”
Congratulations and thanks to Marilyn from the branch for your tireless efforts to support our members.
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