Following organisational changes at Aspire Sussex, UNISON has been supporting individual members in getting the best out of a difficult situation, including changes from term-time only working to whole year, changes in location and changes to hours which have precipitated redundancies. Following the formal consultation, some additional staff hours have been put back into the organisation.
UNISON has been there from the beginning to ensure that members at Aspire can have their say about the future of the organisation, although we remain very concerned about the way in which outsourced services are set up as ‘staff mutual’ organisations, and will be having further discussions with senior Council officers.
Negotiations Officer Brian Walter and workplace reps Linda Wilson and Karen Polie are involved in supporting our UNISON members through this difficult time. Rep Christina Ruso has decided to leave the organisation following the changes, rather than return from maternity leave and we send our thanks and best wishes to her.