Pay award to be implemented for WSCC staff on NJC, HAY, Agenda for Change and SMG4 pay scales
The pay claim for 2022-23 has now been settled, after a meeting was held of all three national unions involved in NJC bargaining on 1 November.
WSCC has had formal notification of this decision and are working to implement the pay deal in the November payroll (pay day November 24th). This will lead to a lump sum back payment for the period April-November being made.
The deal is for:
- £1,925 flat rate on all pay points (pro rata’d for the hours you work)
- Allowances to be uprated by 4.04%
- From 1 April 2023, Spinal Column Point (SCP) 1 will be permanently deleted from the NJC pay spine
- From 1 April 2023, all employees will receive a permanent increase of one day (pro rata for part-timers) to their annual leave entitlement.
The NJC employers have also agreed to enter into discussions on homeworking policies, mental health support and maternity & paternity leave.
New pay scales will be published by WSCC shortly and the branch will share these when available.
HAY, Agenda for Change and SMG4 pay scales
The approximate 600 staff on these differing pay scales will have the NJC award implemented in line with the agreement between the branch and WSCC to mirror NJC awards for a period of two years. This is the second year of that two-year agreement.
The branch intends to write to the Chief Executive to request that this agreement is further extended. Members with any views on this are encouraged to contact the branch at office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk
Furthermore, WSCC has agreed to bring the pay year for staff on HAY pay scales into line with other pay years, meaning that the 2022-23 award will be backdated to April 2022, and the next applicable pay award will apply from April 2023. UNISON welcomes this sensible alignment.
Backpay for employees who have left employment since 1 April 2022
Ex-employees who have left WSCC since 1 April 2022 should approach WSCC if they wish to receive any monies due and have their LGPS pension uprated.