The NJC employers have made a pay offer for the pay year 2022-23. UNISON asked for a flat rate of £2,000 or Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation, whichever was the higher. RPI inflation was reported on 17 August to be running at 12.3% – and was already at 11.8% when the pay claim was submitted in June.
UNISON also asked for a range of other improvements to terms and conditions, the employers response to which are detailed below.
The employers have responded with an offer of a flat rate of £1,925 and an additional day’s annual leave for all staff.
This may appear to mostly meet the union’s claim – but only if you disregard the part of the claim that required the offer to take into account RPI inflation. RPI inflation is 12.3%. Below we set out the impact of the pay offer at all West Sussex grades. You can see how the offer would impact on you and result in a real-terms pay cut at all grades. Please bear in mind if you are part-time or term-time only, the figures are illustrative for members on the standard 37-hour week working a 52-week year.
The headlines
The union claim was for a flat rate £2,000 or Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation – whichever is the greater. The final offer meets neither element of that claim.
The final offer means no staff will receive an inflation-equivalent pay rise. RPI inflation is currently at 12.3%.
The final offer will significantly increase the 25% real-term pay cut our members have suffered since 2010.
The employers have rejected a one-off COVID-19 recognition payment that covers all NJC workers.
The employers have rejected the introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home.
The employers have rejected the introduction of a school support staff retention payment scheme.
The employers have rejected a reduction of the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay.
Pay ballot: have your say!
A pay ballot will be run by the West Sussex branch for members on NJC pay from:
Monday 5 September to Monday 19 September.
The UNISON West Sussex branch committee has met to consider the employer’s offer and recommends that members REJECT it. With energy bills set to sky-rocket from October, none of us can afford to accept this pay cut. In rejecting, we must be prepared to take action to get an improved offer.
Watch out for your individual ballot which will be sent to you by email on 5 September.
Pay offer in full
NJC Pay Offer 2022-23 with RPI impact