UNISON has reported previously on the proposals to change car parking arrangements at WSCC and on the outcome of that consultation.
UNISON is concerned about the impact the proposals will have on staff who are not designated as priority users.
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Staff who are not designated as priority users will have to try to secure ‘pay and display’ parking at £1 a day. There will be a restricted amount of space for non-priority users, particularly in Horsham. UNISON is concerned about the impact this will have on staff. Not all staff will have the ability to switch to public transport options, particularly if they live in rural parts of the county. Some may get to work by car in order to fit in childcare arrangements.
UNISON is concerned that this group of staff – many of whom will be low-paid – will find it hard to pay commercial car parking charges.
This is why we asked the council to invest in alternatives, like they have done at Piries Place in Horsham. There car parking was subsidised to minimise the impact on staff so they did not feel they had to leave and find work elsewhere.
UNISON wants to find out how many staff are likely to be displaced by the new car parking arrangements and what the adverse impacts are likely to be.
If you are a non-priority car park user, don’t wait until April to consider how you will be affected!
We will use the results – if it warrants it – to persuade the council they should invest in alternative parking arrangements for non-priority users.
On this occasion, please share the survey with non-members!
This survey is open to any staff member who works at Horsham or Chichester for any employer – e.g. WSCC, Capita, etc.