Branch NJC Pay roadshows: 19th-23rd May

Are local government staff fat cats? Is your pay too high and your pension gold-plated? Are you holding  back the dynamism of the private sector?

Local government staff have been subject to an unprecedented attack on their living standards. Members across the country have endorsed the need for an industrial action ballot on pay by 71:29.

Come along to a lunch-time pay briefing from Branch Officers to find out more about the industrial action ballot on NJC Pay, the reasons for it, what happens during industrial action and how we can make the action as effective as possible.

Monday 19th May
Durban House, Bognor
Conference Room 4, 12.00-1.00pm

Tuesday 20th May
County Hall North, Horsham
Room 13/14, 12.00-1.00pm

Wednesday 21st May
County Hall North, Horsham
UNISON stall in the canteen*, 10.00-4.00pm

Thursday 22nd May
Centenary House, Worthing
Conference Room 4, 12.00-1.00pm

Friday 23rd May
County Hall, Chichester
Committee Room 1, 12.00-1.00pm

[*no pay presentation at this second Horsham date, but Branch Officers available to talk to]