Pensions surgeries: Friday 8th September

UNISON Head of Pensions, Glyn Jenkins, will be visiting West Sussex on Friday 8th September 2017, holding a limited number of free individual pensions advice surgeries as well as a collective meeting for members at County Hall North in Horsham.

Pensions and Voluntary Redundancy:
Following the announcement of WSCC’s intention to open a ‘voluntary severence’ window for staff, UNISON National Pensions Officer, Glyn Jenkins, will also be holding a collective pensions advice meeting with a specific focus on voluntary redundancy. This will take place over the lunch period on Friday 8th September from 12:00. This meeting is open to any members with no need to make an appointment.
When: Friday 8th September, 12:00
Main Conference Room, County Hall North, Horsham

Individual advice surgeries:
Individual appointments will last for 20 minutes each and are open to all UNISON West Sussex members. These appointments are available now* on a strictly first-come, first-served basis and must be booked in advance by clicking on the link below to a Doodle poll.

*Please note that individual appointments are now FULLY BOOKED and the Doodle poll is closed.

If you are not successful in securing an individual appointment and you would like to be entered onto a waiting list, please email the branch office ( with your full name and membership number. If any appointments become available, you will be contacted nearer the time. If you are successful in securing an appointment via Doodle poll, please make a note of the time in your diary. Provided the branch has up-to-date contact details for you, a confirmation email will be sent to you by the branch nearer the time.

If you make an appointment and are no longer able to attend, please contact the branch office ( as soon as possible so that your appointment can be offered to another member.

Please note that these sessions are for pensions advice only and do not include financial advice. The branch has also arranged a series of specific financial advice surgeries in September – please click here for further details and to find out how to make an appointment if you are seeking financial advice.