Retired members supporting the branch!

UNISON West Sussex has a thriving and growing retired members’ section of over 600 members!

Our retired members were at County Hall North in Horsham on Thursday 13th December supporting the branch with a recruitment stall, prior to their regular meeting and a festive lunch and social.

The branch has an active retired members section, led by joint secretaries Jennie Gudgeon and Margaret Guest, which meets quarterly.

UNISON is unique among UK trade unions in having a retired members’ group and retired members can participate in UNISON’s democratic processes at all levels.

Retired members at County Hall North

A huge thank you to our retired members for the valuable contribution they make to the branch throughout the year, from supporting recruitment to helping distribute our branch newsletter.

Find out more about becoming a retired member of UNISON West Sussex here or contact the branch office on 01243 777635 or

If you are already a retired member but would like to get more involved, look out for details of the next retired members’ meeting and make sure the branch has a valid email address for you to keep up to date with the latest news.