UNISON, in partnership with Community Care, is once again running ‘Social Work Watch’ across the UK to shine a light on a typical working day in social work.
take part in the survey here, today!
On 21 September we want as many social work staff as possible to fill in a survey about their working day. We will use the results to promote understanding of social work, and highlight the daily pressures staff have to contend with.
We will ask you to give details of your caseload on that day, how many hours you worked, what you did, how it made a difference, and the pressures and challenges you faced.
We will use the findings to highlight for the public and policy makers the challenges and pressures social work staff, face every day. We will also use it to celebrate the value and importance of the work they do, in spite of the cuts, staff shortages and media hostility.
The survey is open to qualified social workers and other social work staff who do casework such as social work assistants, family support workers and care managers.
We will ask you to fill out the survey at the end of the day on 21 September or no later than a couple of days after.
Participants who want to will be entered into a free Community Care prize draw to win an iPad mini.