UNISON has been frustrated by the inability of the West Sussex Education & Skills department to issue timely and clear revised guidance on Covid-19 to Head teachers.
UNISON had been aware of local agreement to change the advice to schools for over 2 weeks, but this had failed to be communicated to Heads in a timely way putting our members at unnecessary risk.
Previously, if you worked in a maintained school and you yourself were on the shielded list of being extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 due to underlying health conditions, or you lived with someone on the shielded list, you could remain at home on full pay (working at home where that was feasible). If you yourself were vulnerable [see Section 6 on linked webpage] to Covid-19 due to underlying health conditions, you could remain at home on full pay (working at home where that was feasible). But if you lived with someone who was vulnerable to Covid-19 due to underlying health conditions, you could not remain at home on full pay.
The new position
This has now changed for the better after UNISON pressure for West Sussex schools to fall into line with the Local Government Association advice negotiated between UNISON and local councils. Now, if you live with someone who is vulnerable to Covid-19 due to underlying health conditions, you can remain at home on full pay (working at home if this is feasible). This mirrors the situation for non-schools WSCC staff, also negotiated by UNISON.
If you need branch advice or support related to this, please contact your rep or the branch office.