We reported recently on the offer made to local government and schools workers.
UNISON’s NJC Committee, a body of lay UNISON reps which oversees the NJC pay negotiations and campaign on behalf of our local government and schools members, met on Friday 1 May to formally discuss the offer. Our local rep on this committee is Diana Leach from Brighton & Hove branch, a social worker.
The UNISON NJC Committee considered the local government employers’ pay offer of 2.75%, an increase of one day on the minimum level of annual leave and future discussions on stress and the minimum wage.
The committee was clear that while the employers have said this is their final offer, key matters remain unresolved. As part of their offer, the employers said they would approach central government for more money for local government pay in 2020-21. The unions have asked for more detail on what the employers plan to ask for, and that this approach is made on a joint employer/union basis.
Until we know central government’s response to the approach, we are not yet in a position to consult our members for their views on the pay offer. We are writing to the Local Government Association, who are responsible for making the approach to government for more money, making our position clear. Until we know what extra money will be available, we have not exhausted the negotiation process.
As key workers, local government and school staff are in the forefront of the battle against Covid-19. So they deserve proper recognition and reward. UNISON will continue to campaign hard for these workers and we urge the government to provide increased funding to allow local government to give all workers a decent pay rise.
The branch will keep you updated with further news as it develops.