An exciting but perhaps little known fact about UNISON membership is that members can elect to be a part of the union’s ‘Affiliated Political Fund’ (APF). This does not cost you any more money as a subscription-paying member, but does mean that you are assumed to be a supporter of the Labour Party. Like some other trade unions, UNISON is affiliated to the Labour Party.
You can elect to join the APF at time of joining, or at any time during your membership (just contact the Branch office to do so).
Members of UNISON’s Affiliated Political Fund are eligible to vote in Labour’s forthcoming leadership and deputy leadership elections.
Because of recent changes to Labour Party rules, following the Collins Review, APF members need to now sign up as a registered Labour Party supporter.
This is easy to do and APF members have received or will shortly receive a communication from UNISON explaining how to do this. If you have registered an email address with UNISON, watch out for an email on the subject. If you have registered an email address with us that may no longer be working, get in touch with the Branch office to give us a valid one.
Or go straight to the Labour Party website to register as a supporter.
UNISON West Sussex recommends that all its members activate your votes in the coming Labour Party elections. Whoever is elected leader of the Labour Party will have a great impact on both you and your family, at work and at home.
The Branch will keep you up to date with further news about the Labour Party leadership election.