Member meetings 15-19th July: Ofsted and Local Pay
UNISON West Sussex is holding member meetings from 15th to 19th July on: Children’s Services Ofsted report; The local pay award (HAY, SMG4, AfC/Public Health) …
UNISON West Sussex is holding member meetings from 15th to 19th July on: Children’s Services Ofsted report; The local pay award (HAY, SMG4, AfC/Public Health) …
UNISON West Sussex will be out and about this summer for our hub events 15-19th July. If you are already a member of UNISON, bring …
HE 2019-20 Pay Consultation The regional result of the pay consultation ballot was a 69% vote in favour of rejecting the offer on a 44% …
The following article is relevant for UNISON members and non-members in the following local pay groups: HAY; SMG4; Public Health/Agenda for Change (AfC). UNISON last …
Member meetings We have more member meetings planned for the week of 15-19 July. UNISON is in regular dialogue with John Readman and Kim Curry, …
The UNISON NJC Committee met Thursday 6th June to consider feedback on its recommendation for the 2020/21 NJC pay claim. The Committee had consulted members via …
Following member concerns, UNISON has raised the issue of the Best Interest Assessments (BIA) rota with management. Previously those who volunteered to complete the training and participate in a rota to undertake assessments did so as they believed their commitment was for a limited period. However, members contacted us after …
Huge thanks go to all West Sussex branch members who took part in the NEC elections for the 2019-21 period. The branch is delighted to …
Please read the full news item for information on: UNISON members’ meetings: June 3, 4, 5, 6 WSCC Retention payments The Ofsted debate at Select …
We’re delighted to report that branch chair Ian Harvey has been seconded for one year to the branch to take on the role of UNISON …