
In September 2015, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party with 251,000 votes (60% of the total) giving him the largest personal mandate …

20th July 2016Read More »

Members of the West Sussex UNISON branch will be visiting the council’s main office hubs from 18 July. We’ll be giving away free ice-creams! Here are the details: Monday 18th July; 10.00-4.00pm; Durban House, Bognor Regis Tuesday 19th July; 10.00-2.00pm; Crawley Library, Crawley Wednesday 20th July; 10.00-3.00pm; Centenary House, Worthing Thursday …

9th July 2016Read More »

UNISON has commissioned NatCen Social Research to investigate the implications of public spending cuts for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people and services. You can …

8th July 2016Read More »

The government recently introduced a new Children and Social Work Bill. It is now working its way through parliament. This new piece of legislation will …

5th July 2016Read More »

Many UNISON West Sussex members will be experiencing a dreadful ongoing service from privateer rail firm Southern Railway. At the heart of this atrocious service …

2nd July 2016Read More »

The University and College Union (UCU) will be holding a one day strike to coincide with a day of strike action by the National Union …

2nd July 2016Read More »

UNISON’s national conferences took place in Brighton this year. The Branch sent a delegation (including Karen Daubney, Deputy Branch Secretary (left) and Young Members Officer …

28th June 2016Read More »

As a branch, we would like to hear your views about the UNISON West Sussex Annual General Meeting (AGM). Take part in the survey here. …

23rd June 2016Read More »

On behalf of West Sussex branch members who may have children educated in Brighton and Hove, the Campaign for Education in Brighton and Hove and ‘Hands Off Our Schools’ have convened a public meeting to oppose the pre-privatisation of schools. It takes place at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, …

23rd June 2016Read More »

The 2016 school uniform grant scheme is now available. You can find an application form below. Please ensure UNISON receives this by 15 July 2016. …

27th May 2016Read More »