
Are local government staff fat cats? Is your pay too high and your pension gold-plated? Are you holding  back the dynamism of the private sector? Local government staff have been subject to an unprecedented attack on their living standards. Members across the country have endorsed the need for an industrial …

7th May 2014Read More »

UNISON Libraries Rep Tim Stanton writes: UNISON West Sussex believes that public library services should be sufficiently resourced and professionally staffed. Volunteers may have a role to play such as assisting with the Housebound Reader Service, or assisting with specific initiatives such as the ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ or the ‘West …

7th May 2014Read More »

With a national NJC strike ballot looming it is vital that your home address details held by the union are up-to-date. Have you moved house recently? If we don’t have the right address on file for you, you will not receive your postal ballot. Whether you will be balloted in …

7th May 2014Read More »

A ballot for industrial action on NJC pay will start on 23rd May following members’ overwhelming rejection of the employers’ 1% pay offer. The results …

28th April 2014Read More »

The Branch successfully held its AGM this year in March 2014. Nearly 100 members came together to approve the Branch accounts and authorise Branch Committee …

26th April 2014Read More »

In contrast to Higher Education employers who have just offered their staff 2% and a minimum pay point of the Living Wage (£7.65), Local Government employers are offering 1% and a minimum pay point of £6.75, just 25 pence more than the recently announced National Minimum Wage. This would leave …

17th April 2014Read More »

On behalf of all working people, UNISON is taking its fight against the government’s decision to introduce fees for employment tribunals (ETs) to the Court of Appeal. ET claims fell by 79% in the six months since July 2013 when the government introduced charges up to £1,200 for workers to …

17th April 2014Read More »

Higher education employers have made a “full and final” pay offer of 2%, with a minimum pay point equal to the living wage, following pay talks with the unions. UNISON’s higher education service group executive will meet on 23 April to discuss the consultation with members on the 2014/15 offer …

17th April 2014Read More »

Despite swingeing Government cuts to Further Education funding for 18 to 19 year olds, following negotiation with UNISON Chichester College has just agreed to pay the Living Wage for all permanent directly employed staff. The College will also be working with its external contractors to encourage them to pay the …

8th April 2014Read More »

The new LGPS started on 1 April 2014 in line with an agreement between the unions, employers and the government. A UNISON briefing provides a summary of the benefits and protections that are now laid down in law. The new Scheme is a Career Average Revalued Earning  Scheme (CARE). This is …

8th April 2014Read More »