
The Branch is currently conducting a consultative ballot with its members on NJC pay. This primarily affects all members working for West Sussex County Council, including members in all schools (but not academies). The Employers’ side has offered a meagre 1% for all staff on Grade 3 and above, with …

8th April 2014Read More »

The Local Government Association Employers side has now made the following final pay offer: £580 on pay point 5 £550 on pay point 6 £400 on pay point 7 £275 on pay point 8 £200 on pay point 9 £175 on pay point 10 1.0% on pay points 11 and …

28th March 2014Read More »

Is OFSTED a political tool? Do we need SATs? Do teachers need to be qualified? Are standards falling in our schools? Can academies solve the pressure on school places? Why do teachers strike? Should all schools be maintained by local authorities? Warwick Mansell, education journalist and author (Chair) Christine Blower, …

28th March 2014Read More »

David Hammond, Branch International Relations Officer, writes: On Monday 10 March I travelled to my first South East AGM and Committee Meeting at Unison Centre Office in Euston Road London, as the International Relations Officer for UNISON West Sussex. I was looking forward to attending the meeting to find out …

28th March 2014Read More »

A UNISON National Pensions Officer will be visiting West Sussex on 9th May, holding individual LGPS pension surgeries for members. Surgeries will last for 20 minutes each and be a good opportunity receive advice on members’ LGPS pensions and how the new LGPS scheme might affect retirement planning. The Branch …

18th March 2014Read More »

Easter Holidays are just round the corner! Hotel Family Breaks with all this included: Benny Bear Club Inter Family Challenge Nature Trail Family Funzone Indoor Leisure Complex Crazy Golf and Play Park B & B Hotel From £99 per family of 4* QUOTE: 0114 For full terms & conditions call …

18th March 2014Read More »

The NUT has announced it intends to take national strike action in a dispute over teachers’ pay, pensions and conditions. They are intending to take this action on 26th March. UNISON West Sussex advice to members: We support the action of our colleagues in the NUT, and respect the rights …

11th March 2014Read More »

The Branch Committee would like to invite all members to the Branch’s Annual General Meeting for 2014. Download the AGM papers here. This year we will be holding our AGM over three dates and venues, and we hope you will be able to make one of them. Monday 10th March …

4th March 2014Read More »

The NJC Trade Union Side met on Wednesday to discuss the failure of the employers to make an offer, the likelihood of any offer being 1% and the link to the National Minimum Wage. Following discussion, the following statement was unanimously agreed: This NJC Trade Union Side: Deplores the Employers’ …

4th March 2014Read More »

More than 150 Yorkshire care workers are to begin a week-long strike on 27th February over savage attacks on their pay, including axing sick pay, holiday time and weekend and night work bonuses. Care UK took over services last year to provide care for vulnerable people in their own homes …

4th March 2014Read More »