Workplace reps

Are you thinking about becoming a workplace rep?

We aim to have at least one workplace representative in each workplace/team/department/employer, dependent on size.

Representatives are elected each year by the group of members they represent. The UNISON workplace rep is the most important link between the union’s structures and our members.

Workplace reps play a number of roles:

  • They are organisers who talk to, recruit and organise members around workplace issues, hold meetings, undertake surveys and help run ballots.
  • They give members information about union issues by publicising campaigns, distributing leaflets and keeping members informed about – and involved in – local negotiations.
  • They are advisers and sounding boards, talking to members about workplace problems and – if they feel confident and wish to do so – giving advice on how to deal with these.
  • They may arrange for a member to get advice or assistance from elsewhere in the union, or work with them to obtain the information they need.
  • They are representatives for members in their workplace, raising issues with managers or working with Branch officers to ensure that workplace issues are highlighted and resolved.

If you would like to find out more, contact the Branch office on 01243 777636 for an informal chat, or email

Or, download our Rep nomination form and find two UNISON members in your workplace willing to propose and nominate you.

Elections occur where there are two employees in the same workgroup seeking to become the rep, and are organised by the Branch office.