The UNISON NJC Committee met Thursday 6th June to consider feedback on its recommendation for the 2020/21 NJC pay claim. The Committee had consulted members via branches on the following proposal:
10% or £10 per hour minimum hourly rate on all pay points, whichever is greater
There was 94% support for the Committee’s recommendation and it was agreed to take this forward as UNISON’s proposal for the claim for discussion with the other NJC unions. GMB and Unite are currently consulting their members on options for the claim.
Thanks go to members in the West Sussex branch who completed our pay consultation survey on the claim. UNISON West Sussex members were slightly less enthusiastic about the claim with 81% agreeing it was the right claim. Of those who did not agree, roughly 4 in 5 thought it was too ambitious, and 1 in 5 felt it was not ambitious enough.
The Trade Union Side claim will be finalised next month.