The latest Autumn/Winter 2015 edition of our newsletter ‘Branch Lines’ is now available for you to download.
This follows distribution of paper copies to workplaces across the county.
In this edition we cover several highly important issues for UNISON members. These include:
- The election of a new UNISON General Secretary (ballot papers out now – don’t forget to vote!);
- Latest information on the Trade Union Bill;
- An update on actions following the branch’s research on the West Sussex County Council (WSCC)/Capita contract (see Branch Lines special edition);
- WSCC’s Customer Experience Programme (CEP);
- A spotlight on Further Education; and
- Plans to weaken the Freedom of Information Act.
We also feature case studies of some of the excellent work our workplace reps and members are involved in. This time it’s Paul Windsor and Wendy Hill.
If you know of any colleagues wanting to join UNISON, there’s a handy pull-out membership form in the centre pages. Simply ask them to complete it and send it in to us. Or they can join online here.
If you’d like to suggest stories for future editions, please email: