Day of Protest 20th August

Day of Protest 20th August  – Locked out of the Recovery

  • LOCKED OUT of the economic recovery – having borne the brunt of the cuts. And it’s a women’s issue – given that women are 78% of the NJC workforce
  • LOCKED OUT of negotiations – our employers won’t talk to us or join us for independent arbitration through ACAS
  • LOCKED OUT of taking a full part in society – at this time of year unable to afford holidays and struggling to meet the cost of new school uniforms, or children’s summer activities closed or too expensive.

So what can you do?

  • Donate an item for your local food bank – to show that as low paid workers or those who support them, you understand the struggle to make ends meet and want to help – and its a chance to plug the increase in food inflation of 13% since 2010.
  • Visit the Regional website and sign the petition here
  • Recruit new members – what better day to recruit a colleague and to tell them our day of protest offers the chance to find out what their union stands for – fair pay, quality public services and employment.