Sussex Downs College are currently offering FREE independent learning courses to UNISON members, their friends and families.
These courses provide the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and an accredited qualification to support you or your staff in your area of work or personal interest.
- Delivered online or via paper-based workbooks;
- Study in your own time, no set online times;
- A dedicated personal assessor who provides feedback on your work and supports you throughout;
- No exams or end tests;
- Level 2 Certification is achieved through completion of a range of assessments and is accredited by the exam board NCFE.
Courses currently on offer:
- Dementia Care
- Awareness of Mental Health Problems
- Understanding Nutrition & Health
- Equality & Diversity
- Understanding Behaviour That Challenges
Plus: New courses for Spring 2018:
- Understanding Autism
- Care and Management of Diabetes
- Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
To be eligible for a free course you must:
- Be aged 19+ (on or before the 1st August 2017) and live in England;
- Have lived in the UK/EU for the last 3 years;
- Commit to completing the course within 8/10 weeks.
To find out more call 030 300 38699 or email independentlearning@sussexdowns.ac.uk