As a result of the Public Services Pensions Act 2013, West Sussex County Council has established a Pension Advisory Board for the West Sussex Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
The Pension Board has a vital role in assisting with the good governance of the Pension Scheme, scrutinising key decisions and the investment strategy which looks after more than £5.5 billion of assets on behalf of 85,000 scheme members spread across 205 employers.
The Pension Advisory Board has 3 LGPS member representatives (who can be either active, deferred or pensioner members), 3 employer representatives and a chairman.
Active members are those currently paying in to their LGPS pension; deferred members are those who have left the LGPS, perhaps for another job, but have a ‘frozen’ LGPS pension; pensioner members are those in receipt of their LGPS pension.
A vacancy has arisen on the Board due to the resignation of a non-UNISON member of the LGPS member representatives. Currently UNISON member Becky Caney is your member rep on the PAB.
We now need another UNISON member to join Becky.
Anyone can sit on the board as long as they have the capacity and time to carry out their duties as a representative. The commitment is for a maximum of 6 days per year including training. If you think you will need release from work to meet this commitment, you can discuss this in the first instance with the branch secretary.
If you are interested please contact the Branch Secretary Dan Sartin via 01243 777636 or by Friday 5th May.
This is an important role and we would love to hear from you!