
Over 400 staff are on local pay arrangements at WSCC. Although UNISON previously secured two consecutive pay awards of 2%, without performance strings, we are …

21st April 2020Read More »

UNISON West Sussex social workers are invited to a live stream discussion on social work practice during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Social Work Action Network, …

21st April 2020Read More »

None of us would want to think the worst could happen at this time, but we all see the news and know that not only can public service workers die of Coronavirus, but they are. None of us are immune, and indeed we may often bear a higher risk than …

21st April 2020Read More »

The branch is acutely aware that many of our members working for employers who offer poor terms and conditions may enter a period of hardship. …

20th April 2020Read More »

The UNISON West Sussex branch is managing to keep the office fully functional. Our core office hours are 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday. We are dealing …

3rd April 2020Read More »

The branch is dealing with a large number of enquiries from members about Corona Virus as you would expect. The branch has a wide range …

20th March 2020Read More »

Due to the Corona Virus situation the branch has reluctantly had to cancel its AGMs, scheduled for the end of March. This means all three AGM events are now cancelled, including the Quiz & Curry night. The branch’s Staff Side Executive Committee took the decision to cancel this year’s AGMs, …

20th March 2020Read More »

The UK currently faces a heightened risk of people falling ill with Corona Virus, a respiratory disease which spreads rapidly. The Prime Minister has said …

4th March 2020Read More »

UNISON West Sussex is advising members who are Library staff and all Library colleagues to report and ensure their line managers record all incidences of …

18th February 2020Read More »

Branch pensions officer Judith Taylor reports on the health and governance of the West Sussex pension fund. “There are over 150 employers in the fund, …

18th February 2020Read More »