The branch is very sad to have to report the death of one of our members from Covid-19.
Vinit Sobti was a Teaching Assistant at St Anthony’s special school in Chichester.
Vinit was only 40 years old.
He was known to be a kind, gentle and caring person.
He worked hard to deliver public services to some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Vinit worked at St Anthony’s for over ten years and was a member of UNISON for all that time.
Vinit was a highly valued member of the school community and a valued UNISON member and we know his absence will be painfully felt at the school where he did such marvellous and important work.
Our sincere condolences go to Vinit’s family and colleagues.
Whilst many of us look forward to vaccinations and a hoped-for return to some form of normality during 2021, Vinit’s passing is a timely reminder of how cruel and deadly Covid-19 is.
UNISON calls again on Vinit’s employer West Sussex County Council to follow Local Government Association and UNISON/Joint-Trade Unions advice in respect of Covid-19.
If members have concerns about your Risk Assessment or Health & Safety in your workplace, please contact the branch.