UNISON’s 2017-2018 winter fuel grant programme has now opened!
Grants of up to £50 per household are available to help members in low-income households.
To be eligible you must:
- have paid 4 weeks’ union subscriptions before 4 December 2017.
- have a total net annual household income of £18,000 or less (see ‘There for You’ web pages or download application form below for more details).
- not have more than £800 in savings (including your partner and rolling bank balance)
- not have received financial assistance from UNISON There for You during the previous six months.
Applications are limited to one per household. This includes members on housing benefit. Priority is given to those who have not previously applied.
To apply:
• Print out and complete the short application form and survey
• Contact Unison Direct on 0800 0857 857 for a postal form
Please send all requested paperwork with the form or the application cannot be accepted.
Applications must be received by 16 February 2018. Post to: UNISON There for You, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY.
There is a limited amount in the Winter Fuel Grants programme. Once exhausted no further awards can be made. If you are facing unforeseen hardship you might be able to apply to UNISON’s general grants programme. The There for You team will let you know if this applies to you.
For further information, please:
• visit the There for You website
• call the There for You support team on 020 7121 5620;
• or email thereforyou@unison.co.uk