The Branch Committee has nominated the members listed below to serve as Branch Officers for the following year.
As part of the union’s democratic process, nomination forms for any of the positions are available from the Branch Office. The annual election process for Workplace Representatives has also started. The nomination period for all positions ends at 12 noon on Friday 30 January 2015.
If you would like more information about what’s involved please contact the UNISON Office on 01243 777636 or via email at office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk
You can see photographs of all nominees in the Winter edition of Branch Lines, currently being distributed.
- Chair: Ian Harvey
- Vice-Chair: Sarah Cawston
- Branch Secretary: Dan Sartin
- Deputy Branch Secretary: Karen Daubney
- Treasurer: Jennie Barrett
- Environmental Officer: Julie Bolton
- Welfare Officer: David O’Connor
- Equalities Officer (BME): Jules Wilson
- Equalities Officer (Disabled): Robert Hayes
- Equalities Officer (LGBT): Vacant
- Equalities Officer (Women): Vacant
- Communications Officer: Vacant
- Health & Safety Officer (1): Karen Daubney
- Health & Safety Officer (2): Clive Coleman
- Health & Safety Officer (3): Chris Barrett
- Labour Link Officer: Sarah Cawston
- International Officer: David Hammond
- Education Coordinator: Mervyn Sams
- Membership Officer: Vacant
- Young Members’ Officer: Taome Gardner
- Lifelong Learning Coordinator: Mervyn Sams