
UNISON’s national school sector committee has met to review the results of the school ballot. Results show that UNISON members: overwhelmingly think that government funding …

21st May 2019Read More »

The 2019 School Uniform Grants programme is now available. You can find an application form below. Please ensure UNISON receives this by Friday 19 July …

14th May 2019Read More »

Lighthouse Financial Advisors are offering free, 1-1 personal finance surgeries to all UNISON West Sussex members. Dates & venues: Monday 1st July: County Hall, Chichester FULLY …

14th May 2019Read More »

The Government is in the process of determining how much funding will be made available for various public services from 2020 onwards. Action for Children, …

14th May 2019Read More »

The branch has been supporting members recently in 18 schools (listed below) as they negotiate new restructures, often putting jobs at risk. It’s not just …

14th May 2019Read More »

The Ofsted report published on Wednesday 8 May provides a number of very serious challenges to the county council. The UNISON West Sussex branch is …

8th May 2019Read More »

What are your views on our pay claim for 2020-21? Take part in our online consultation! The UNISON NJC Committee met on Tuesday 30 April …

8th May 2019Read More »

Members within certain local pay groups at West Sussex County Council will recall just how difficult the pay consultation was for the 2018-19 pay award. The local pay groups are: HAY Grades A-E (HAY); Senior Management Grade 4 (SMG4); and Agenda for Change (AfC). In many staff’s view, and UNISON’s, …

8th May 2019Read More »

WSCC is currently consulting with UNISON on changes to its discipline, performance improvement and sickness policies. This would only affect non-schools staff. ‘Formal action’ policy …

8th May 2019Read More »

Our branch equality officer for black members Anusree Biswas-Sasidharan is pleased to be able to help launch the new branch equalities newsletter. Download Equalities Branch …

29th April 2019Read More »