
A new group ‘Refugees Welcome – Crawley’ has recently been set up in Crawley in conjunction with Citizens UK as part of their resettlement campaign. …

6th November 2015Read More »

UNISON members in academies run by the United Learning Trust (ULT) have voted to accept the employer’s final pay offer of a 1% pay rise on all spinal column points. ULT also offered to increase support staff salaries at the lower end of the scale to £7.85 outside London (based …

6th November 2015Read More »

On 10 November University and College Union (UCU) members working in most further education colleges in England will be taking strike action in response to the pay offer by the Association of Colleges. UCU is not however taking action in Northbrook College due to a local agreement with the UCU …

6th November 2015Read More »

November is the TUC’s third annual Young Workers’ Month. This year UNISON West Sussex Branch is teaming up with West Sussex County Council to bring you the first ever …

28th October 2015Read More »

Can you name all the members of One Direction? Can you name the actress who played Deirdre Barlow in Coronation Street? Who co-hosted ‘Tiswas’ in …

28th October 2015Read More »

Officers from UNISON West Sussex will be visiting WSCC hub offices around the county to help raise awareness of the union’s General Secretary election taking …

27th October 2015Read More »

Branch Committee decided to nominate John Burgess for the position of the union’s General Secretary in the November election for the following reasons: John is currently Barnet Branch Secretary: experienced, effective and understanding the issues facing branches; He’s standing on a social workers’ wage: motivated by principle, not by pay; …

27th October 2015Read More »

Join union members from across the UK for a rally and lobby of MPs against the undemocratic Trade Union Bill. UNISON thinks MPs should be …

20th October 2015Read More »

UNISON further education (FE) members have angrily rejected The Association of Colleges’ (AoC) 2015 recommendation to its members not to pay a cost of living rise or move to the current Living Wage. In workplace consultation, 95 per cent of those voting rejected the offer, with twice as many colleges …

20th October 2015Read More »

UNISON West Sussex has created another social media channel in an effort to keep our members better informed about issues affecting them. The new branch ‘Twitter’ channel is now live. You can find it by searching on Twitter for ‘UNISON West Sussex’ or using the handle @UnisonWSx. We will aim …

20th October 2015Read More »