
This is advice for all branch members in West Sussex schools and academies This advice is presented for members below but was also sent to …

31st May 2020Read More »

To update you, UNISON is still working hard to prevent an unsafe return to school on 1 June. We are doing this locally in West …

28th May 2020Read More »

Advice to members working in schools, academies and nurseries The branch wanted to follow up on the emails you have received from the national UNISON …

19th May 2020Read More »

We reported recently on the offer made to local government and schools workers. UNISON’s NJC Committee, a body of lay UNISON reps which oversees the …

5th May 2020Read More »

UNISON has been frustrated by the inability of the West Sussex Education & Skills department to issue timely and clear revised guidance on Covid-19 to Head teachers. …

5th May 2020Read More »

Although Covid-19 has naturally taken up the lion’s share of the branch’s efforts over the last few weeks, there are some issues which are too …

5th May 2020Read More »

During the Covid-19 pandemic there may be an ongoing need to ask staff at WSCC to accept different work and roles. It is important though …

1st May 2020Read More »

The branch is continuing to support members with queries about Covid-19, working conditions, PPE, pay issues, self-isolation, social distancing and shielding. There are many different …

22nd April 2020Read More »

Members will recall that in February the national employers offered a 2% pay rise which was rejected by UNISON. The national employers have come back …

21st April 2020Read More »

This pay day at WSCC, Friday 24th April, did you see an increase in your pay due to ‘incremental progression’? A favourable change for council …

21st April 2020Read More »