
You may have heard that the government is changing its shielding advice for people who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19. It is advising …

31st March 2021Read More »

The branch is very sad to have to report the death of one of our members from Covid-19. Vinit Sobti was a Teaching Assistant at St Anthony’s special school in Chichester. Vinit was only 40 years old. He was known to be a kind, gentle and caring person. He worked …

16th March 2021Read More »

A coalition of carers, parents, service users and organisations that support disabled people has produced an excellent report on the value of day support services. …

16th March 2021Read More »

TAKE THE SURVEY! Centenary House Durrington (CHD), now more commonly known as Centenary House Worthing, is due to close in August 2021. This will mean major changes for members, how they work and potentially their contract of employment during 2021. UNISON is in discussions with WSCC, and has secured representation …

16th March 2021Read More »

To UNISON members working in CYPL If on Tuesday 16th March you received an email titled ‘Covid-19 adjustment to working practices’ sent on behalf of Dan Ruaux, Jenny Boyd and Linda Steele, UNISON has the following reminder. UNISON wishes to remind its members that they should still take their own …

16th March 2021Read More »

The Supporting Social Workers in 2021 Guide has been produced in collaboration between UNISON and Community Care and comes as a direct result of what …

16th March 2021Read More »

All members of UNISON West Sussex are invited to attend our virtual branch AGM! Register for Branch AGM 2021 We will be holding our AGM …

15th March 2021Read More »

West Sussex County Council is proposing a series of changes to the Early Help service including to: Maintain Early Help services from 11 of our …

9th March 2021Read More »

This online meeting has been organised by North West UNISON Black Members Committee and is open to all members of UNISON. Thursday 18th March; 6.00 …

9th March 2021Read More »

UNISON on Monday 15th February lodged a pay claim for all council and school workers employed on NJC pay in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. …

17th February 2021Read More »